Curriculum |
Holy Cross Sr.Sec.School is affiliated to CBSE and the school follows the syllabus prescribed by CBSE, New Delhi. Students are being prepared for All India Secondary School examination and All India Senior Secondary School Examination.
Holy Cross Sr.Sec.School is following continuous & comprehensive evaluation through assessment in the Primary classes for enrichment of the total personality. The school offers faculties like Maths, Science and Commerce to the students with optional subjects like Hindi, Sanskrit, Computer Science, Maths and Accountancy in different combinations as prescribed by CBSE.
Holy Cross Sr.Sec.School is an outstanding institution and aims at Perfection. To achieve this , the sense of responsibility , value of discipline, importance of regularity and punctuality, cleanliness, self reliance, respect for all with special consideration for elders are cultivated and nurtured in each student. The importance of team spirit is inculcated without forgetting to develop leadership qualities through academics, sports and games as well as other co-curricular activities.
To be eligible to obtains the CBSE pass certificate at Secondary and Senior examination a student must
- Pass in every subject.
- Obtain a grade higher than E in the subjects of Internal assessment
- Must have 75 % attendance.
Co-curricular activities are an integral part of curriculum which provides educational activities to the students and thereby help in broadening their experiences. Co-curricular activities enhance and enrich the regular curriculum during the normal school hours. All co-curricular activities are organised with specific purpose which vary according to the nature and form of such activities. They are put under the able guidance of trained teachers to achieve this task.
- Drawing and Craft :-
Drawing is one of the most important activities that students can do. Drawing not only provides the basis for other creative activities - like painting, sculpture and printmaking - but it also provides a direct link with reading and writing. The creative mind of a child a vast like an ocean. To give an opportunity to display one's imaginative and creative mind as well as the aesthetic sense, drawing and craft plays an important role. Children from pre-primary start these still they complete their schooling.
Training of vocal as well as instrumental music is provided according to the taste and interest of the students from Class-I to XII .
Dance :-
Indian Classical , Folk Dance and Kathak are taught in the school by experts to train the students
Karate , Taekwondo : -
Those students interested in martial art like Karate , Taekwondo are trained by qualified and experienced instructors.
Yoga :-
Through the practice of yoga, students can become more aware of their emotional , mental and physical health. Yoga includes physical poses called asana, breathing techniques and meditation.
Band :-
There are school band opportunities for students. In addition to their show, marching bands often march parades.
School Magazine :-
The school 'Zephyr' is another tool that provides for expressing the creative potential of the students.
Science Education :-
The school has a well equipped laboratory of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, and Computer Science for the students to experiment . These labs supplies and equipment to make interesting and effective for students and to encourage them to make significant contributions in the field of physics, biology, chemistry, and other streams in life.
Various competitions like speeches, debates as well as writing stories poems, essays, slogans etc. are carried out time to time throughout the Academic Session aiming to bring out the talents of the student.
Physical Education :-
Physical education experiences are not part of a well planned curricular framework but are often mainly opportunities for physical activity and recreation. Such opportunities are not always fully developing pupils' skills and understanding in a way that will allow them to become more successful and confident learners. Properly implemented physical education has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on the fitness levels and motor skill development of students, and such education may lead to the habituation of lifelong physical activity.
Computer Education :-
Computer education may influence student performance by enabling them to become more involved with their school work. Computers can potentially enhance student's mathematical thinking, and improve scores in problem solving and critical thinking tasks. Computer Education is started from the primary classes and is one of the optional subjects in the Senior Secondary Classes. The school has a well equipped computer lab and trained teachers to impart education at different levels.